Peter Becker Community
Peter Becker Community
800 Maple Ave.
Harleysville, PA 19438
215-256-9768 fax
Peter Becker Community is a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) – offering comprehensive lifetime range of care from residential living to nursing care.
Peter Becker Community residents enjoy senior friendly residential housing choices of cottages or apartments with the knowledge that if they become sick or frail their needs will continue to be met. We provide solutions for concerns regarding security, changing health status, home maintenance, stimulating programs, and a caring environment.
As a residential member of the community, you live independently and can enjoy a lifestyle surrounded by friends and without all the worries and trouble of home maintenance.
Our apartments and cottages are similar to any apartment or family home – except we provide access to special services, including an on-campus YMCA, stimulating programs, seminars, various activities, and security… important considerations for our residents.
At Peter Becker there are three levels of housing and care: 1) Residential Living 2) Personal Care 3) Nursing Care
We offer support to our residents for changing health needs. Residents can move up or down this continuum of care depending on the extent of their health needs.
For people who want to enjoy simply comfortable living and a built in support system, Peter Becker Community is a great choice!
Come to a place that gives you all the opportunities to grow toward a happier, healthier retirement.
