Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace
Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace
2100 Utz Terrace
Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331
Welcome to the Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) welcomes people of all faiths and life experiences. We serve those in need in our community, without regard to creed or belief.
Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace, our newest continuing care retirement community (CCRC), sits on 45-acres in the rolling farmlands just south of Hanover PA. Opened in 2007, the community bustles with activity. The village offers residential living in new, spacious cottages and apartments, an assisted living residence and a skilled care center.
The Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace is planned to include 98 residential living apartments, 74 residential living cottages, a 46-bed personal care/assisted living residence, and a 40-bed skilled care center when completed. LSS already has a presence in the Hanover Community with Lutheran Home Care Services, Hospice of the Good Shepherd, Lutheran Counseling Services, Senior Companion Program and Case Management.
In partnership with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Lutheran Social Services of South Central Pennsylvania provides federally subsidized housing for elderly and handicapped/disabled persons on our Lutheran Retirement Village at Utz Terrace campus. Oakview Manor, a 19-unit apartment complex operated by West Manheim Housing, Inc., serves age and income qualified residents.
Oakview Manor (HUD Apartments)
1880 Oak Hills Drive, Hanover, PA 17331
TTY: 800-654-5988
Copyright © 2008 Lutheran Social Services of South Central Pennsylvania
